Saturday, November 17, 2012

To B.

Dear B.

I know I said harsh things to you, but those were empty words that spurned from fear. Those are the things that were never you. I was scared for a reason, and yet I still chose to stay with you. But I made a mistake, yes I made a mistake. Not that I was wrong in choosing you, but the timing is wrong, for you met me at a time where my life is falling apart and I'm still picking up the pieces together. I love you, but I need to love myself first.

Love, B.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Is Anyone Out There?

I feel afraid. Uncertain if I am living my life the way I want to. Unsure if I made the right decisions, or if I am making a wrong ones. I am with someone great, but I still have doubts. Am I with the right person? Or is he one of those guys I meet before meeting the right one? I feel anxious, but when I look at the sky, suddenly I'm not so afraid anymore.

Is anyone out there?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Long Dark Road

Yeah, I am long, long gone and now I found my self back home. I've been trapped in this long dark road, fallen into bunny holes, stumbled to unfamiliar places, yet I found my self back to where I started. Yeah, a lot has happened since my last post but I can say I'm still very much my self. I've abandoned this blog because I grew tired of my own sick thoughts, but when I looked back, I realized that they are not sick at all, but beautifully broken. I missed the person behind all of them. I miss writing. So yeah! I'll be updating this blog again soon :) See you, Bai Iyah.
(Image Via Click Here )