Sometimes it sucks. You try to blend away from the crowd and you notice all the little things you wont notice when you are amongst them. Yes, it could be great from the start. You'll have a clearer view of things and a better perception. You see everyone's fault and learn from them. You have a good laugh at them when they stumble down. You don't stick to anyone's side. And also, you don't get too close to either of them. You just stand upright, right in the middle. That's when you noticed. You stand alone. You realized that when you laughed, no one laughed with you. The joke's on you, and they are laughing,but AT YOU and not with you. And now you're stuck. And you ask, how do I get out of here?
The holiday feeling is here. Same cold weather. Some rejoice, while others, this I don't get but feel more alone. Why? I think they should just celebrate. I invited some friends over, and maybe do some window shopping just for the heck of it. I don't want to be alone tonight. Not tonight.
Photo from Flikr
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